Wire size calculations ;)

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Q: Given a single 0,35mm² copper wire, how much current it will handle?
A: ~60A

Stupid me. Used DIY regulated transformes to start my Alfa Romeo today and hooked on the wrong connector. Alfa started. The insulation on the wire made a blue smoke, but … still working 😉

Anyway, got 6mm² wire for replacement.
It’s time to replace car battery too, i think. Or check the generator.

Stuck with apt in Debian?

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So so …

W: GPG error: [your favourite mirror here] Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 010908312D230C5F
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

Ever met this is last days?
The solution is simple, but not well documented well:
you must add these keys manually (as root or using sudo):

gpg --recv-keys 07DC563D1F41B907 && gpg --export 07DC563D1F41B907 | sudo apt-key add -
gpg --recv-keys 010908312D230C5F && gpg --export 010908312D230C5F | sudo apt-key add -

or in the case you do no use GnuPG

wget http://ftp-master.debian.org/ziyi_key_2006.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -

That’s all.

We missed

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Architectural award by Salon magazine, Russia.
We are almost lusers 😉

PCB for Atmega

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As promised earlier, i started the temperture controll project.
The last Atmel AVR in DIP package i had went to some ‘black box’. Have no sources for firmware, so i don’t want to touch it now.

It happens i’ve got Atmega8 in TQFP package. The only problem is the connection of TQFP to veroboard is either complicated or expensive. Read the rest of this entry »

Home automation: temperature sensor

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Brrrr… Too cold.
Ever had a cold shower in (almost) winter time?

This is because the boiler behaves strangely. Although the it’s full of hot water, cold water is going out.

So, the pile of details gave me: MCU Atmega8, by Atmel; some LM335, temperature sensors by National.com. A pair of CD4051 will allow to use up to 16 analog inputs to the Atmel MCU.

Also, schematics at
. It has some weird details, anyway i will try to master some kind of temperature sensor for the boiler. Just to make sure the will be enough hot water when i’m going to the shower.


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I was asked for a signature. On the front cover of “The Capital”.
Do i need to change the way i look like?


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Quite interesting article on image processing. The MatLAB source, presented on the site, need some minor enhancments. Authors may contact me, if they want ;).
Attention: the program is really slow. I used ‘direct solver’, and it took almost 10 minutes to proceed the image.

ArkietÄ— – finished (almost)

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Almost finshed current project of reconstruction. Read the rest of this entry »

Strange issues of Architectural Dekstop 3.3 by Autodesk

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Strange things happen on the world.

Recently upgraded tho whole class of computers to WinXP profesional and made a clean install of ADT 3.3. Yea, quite old product, but it was donated by AGA ltd. some years ago and is quite usable for lectures.
So, it crashes after a user issues some comands, that require dialog boxes. Should say an unusual situation, as it worked fine for years on Win2000. Read the rest of this entry »

RugsÄ—jo Palanga

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Š? savaitgal? buvom Vasaros Sostin?je.


SintetinÄ— palanga (tik nereikia įsižeisti) pasitiko sintetine Basanavičiaus gatve, sintetine buvusia “KaÅ¡tono” užbÄ—ga ir Å achmatine. Read the rest of this entry »