ESR meter

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partly assembled ESR meter board

Sometimes i need to check the ESR values for second-hand or fresh electrolutis capacitors. Although ESR meters are available, it’s hard for me to spend a lot of bucks on one of it. So: the schematics is from, the case is from local supplier (a low-cost analog multimeter from China).
OpAmp, resistors and SMD capacitors are mounted. Black stripes at the bottom are milimeter marks on the metal ruler.


Fun with a new Debian instalation

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After Ubuntu was randomly refusing to load on my laptop, I returned to Debian.
Netinst disc, an hour on 2MBps link and we are here – mixed Debian testing/unstable with KDE, Cinelerra, Kino, gEDA an a lot of ‘standart’ stuff.
The problems were:

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Deploy windows software easilly

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I’ve found a very interesting project recently. WPKG.
The idea is very simple: a script is executed by windows scripting host. It reads host description, defines needed package set using profiles and installs, updates or removes packages using package descriptions.
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Sudo in windows world

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Sometimes it’s necesarry to allow a windows user perform a privileged task. *nix world has ‘sudo’. The cloneof sudo in windows is called … sudowin. Or sudown. Or winsudo.

Isn’t it strange to have three different clones of the same programm?

SASL Auth in Postfix

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You will also need SASL and SASL modules (libsasl2 and libsasl2-modules respectively in Debian).

SASL AUTH for outgoing SMTP conections is controlled by ‘smtp_*’ parameters in
Quick-and-dirty solution is:

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Postfix, Courier-imap and virtual users

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Create Courier-imap server certificate:
sudo pico /etc/courier/imapd.cnf &&
sudo rm /etc/courier/imapd.pem && Read the rest of this entry »

A new inhabitant

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Strage things happens.

We have a new inhabitant. Hope it will become a huge German shepherd, but today it is small, curious and a bit upsett five weeks old puppy.

For now, take a look at this page .


Tools for 3D

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Fine free tools for 3D modelling and rendering.
AQSIS rendering engine, RenderMan compilant
Ayam CSG modeller, cross-platform
CSG Editor, MSwin only

Wanna make your own CSG application? OpenCSG library

On the temperature

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I don’t like it. The temperature at 8:00AM in the morning was -27°C.

Cool. But not for my car. It did not start. Even with a booster. The battery is definetly dead.

It started at last after a battery was charged for a half an hour.

“Cover open” and “Pause” problem with Epson Stylus Color 1520

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After some time Epson Stylus Color 1520 in our bureau started to fail. The printout is either staggered or fails and LEDs for “Cover Open” and “Pause” starts to flash. User’s manual says “The print heads were moved by hand”.

Maybe. Or maybe no. Actually, no. Read the rest of this entry »