A bending jig, a piece of stainless steel
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The things: short story
Aug 1
Hacking A6628SEDT
Dec 8
The A6628SEDT is a PLCC 44 packed dual motor driver, running in my old Epson printer.
The idea is to controll the chip by some Arduino and make it print PCBs, like these guys did.
The datasheet for the chip is absent, but thes is connection diagram on the printer’s Service Manual.
It seems the chip is dual version of some Allegro motor controllers, having two indpendent data channels and dual H-bridges (or kind of).
According to the schemacics, paper feeder is controled via data channel 0 on pins 28, 29 and 30 (CLK, Data, Strobe accordingly). The carriage motor is controlled via data channel 1 on pins 40 (CLK), 38 (Data) and 39 (Strobe). Read the rest of this entry »
PCB experiments with the UV
Apr 15
The PCB:
A scrap piece of 5+ year old UV sensitive PCB. The sticky black residue on the PCB is the clue from the protective foil.
The mask:
Transparent foil for laser printers. Printed on Samsung CLP-320 in greyscale mode. Single layer.
The traces:
- 0,1 mm with the gap of 0,1 mm
- 0,1 mm with the gap of 0,2 mm
- 0,2 mm with the gap of 0,2 mm
- 0,2 mm with the gap of 0,3 mm
- 0,2 mm with the gap of 0,4 mm
- 0,3 mm with the gap of 0,2 mm
- 0,3 mm with the gap of 0,3 mm
- 0,2 mm with the gap of 0,6 mm
The rest of the PCB will be used for the rectifier circuit. Read the rest of this entry »
I was working on semi – automated solution to enter door handiness in Revit models. The existing solutions are either quite expensive (like Reforma Swing Direction) or has weird assumptions.
My intial setup is Dynamo and the Dynamo Door Set Handing module from http://archi-lab.net/. It has fine tutorials, so you only need to create your model in Dynamo.
The weird thing on door handines is it is different in some countries.
- Door handiness in Germany is defined as hinge position on the door, when one is pulling the door to open. if the hinges are on the left side, the door is left-handed, and if the hinges are on the right side, the door is right-handed. I will refer it ad “DIN – style”.
- The IFC, together with ISO 16739 defines door handiness as the position of “positive Y axis”, which is definitelly the position of door handle when puling. I will refer it as “ISO – style”.
- Americans use ISO style, but also has “reversed” option. I still have no idea on this option, as “reversed right” is “left”.
So, what’s to do?
The panel i bought may be named A-364E, probably appearing from Para Light. At least the seller, http://www.evita.lt/a364e-indikatorius-a-364e-9_2mm-4x7segm-dinaminis-raudonas-a?search=a-364 writes this information.
The panel itself has markings like “VP 474 AG” and “C1250d5 T”. Quite useless information. Well, at least it is red 4x 7-segment LED indicator, sharing common anode per every digit, quite similar to http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/A-364E-L-DIP-12/637061_2051431574.html
BEWARE: it’s impossible to control this panel using SAA1064 LED panel driver, you need HT16K33 or similar.
The first pin is bottom left, counter-clokwise, as usual. The first digit is leftmost.
The pinout as follows:
Pin 1 : “E” segment;
Pin 2 : “D” segment;
Pin 3 : “Decimal point” segment;
Pin 4 : “C” segment;
Pin 5 : “G” segment;
Pin 6 : Common anode for the 4th digit
Pin 7 : “B” segment;
Pin 8 : Common anode for the 3rd digit;
Pin 9 : Common anode for the 2nd digit
Pin 10 : “F” segment;
Pin 11 : “A” segment;
Pin 12 : Common anode for the 1st digit.
Target and the result
Oct 5
A picture worth of thousand bytes
Slightly overexposed – 2× 6W UV-A (or “black light”) lamps is slightly too much at c.a. 8 cm distance at 4 min exposure time;
The text is just too small – add another 10 mils and hope it will be OK;
Maybe the PCB is too old? It’s kind of NOS and may sit for 6 to 10 years in my stock;
There was slight underetching in the top left corner and had to be corrected by hand.
The PCB is for 0,05 – 5 sec timer for MOT welder. The base is NE555 in SO-8 casing, two swichable capacitors of 47uF and 470uF provides the time range, adjusted by 10k trimmer.
ODS module does not work on IronPython, and i don’t know the way to add Revit modules to regular Python.Whatever …
''' cut-n-paste from the net @author: ejs ''' import clr import sys clr.AddReference('RevitAPI') clr.AddReference('RevitAPIUI') from Autodesk.Revit.DB import * from Autodesk.Revit.DB.Architecture import * from Autodesk.Revit.DB.Analysis import * #sys.path.append(r'C:\Python\3.4\Lib\site-packages') #from odslib import ODS #ods = ODS() uidoc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument doc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document cView = uidoc.ActiveView collector = FilteredElementCollector(doc) collector = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(ViewSchedule); elems=collector.ToElements() n_elems=len(elems) for elem in elems: if cView.Id == elem.Id: Read the rest of this entry »
Meet the Sulley
Sep 29
I’m lazy person.
Here are search engine providers for Firefox and MS IE web browsers.
I’ve added keywords for these search engines, like evt for Evita.lt, lmn for lemona.lt. Now, searching in particular site is as easy as Lotus 1-2-3: type in keyword and the term you need to search in the address bar. So, typing lmn ds180 will search for ds180 in Lemona.lt site.
Firefox | Lemona.lt | Evita.lt | Datasheetcatalog.com |
MS IE | Lemona.lt | Evita.lt | Datasheetcatalog.com |
Managing HP P400 RAID card
Nov 18
It’s a summarising memo from the last Saturday.
What supposed to be slowish disk, actually was dead drive on array.
Thanks for the supplier, the entire collection of SAS drives was just waiting to be installed.
It’s possible to configure RAID adapter from the BIOS stage, but it’s more interesting to configure it on the live system. What you need is configuration tools for the adapter card. And they are called “hpacucli”. Ok, ‘CLI” stands for “Command Line Interface”, “hp” is too obvious. “A” could be for “array”. What “cu” stands for?
Debian repository is at http://downloads.linux.hp.com/SDR/downloads/ManagementComponentPack/pool/non-free/.
Get it, install and read on.
Run “hpacucli”, it should be located in /usr/sbin.
To get information on installed RAID cards, use
ctrl all show
The utility can warn you on the recommended firmware upgrade and will print the controller(s) information:
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