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Epson Stylus Color D68 logics board

The A6628SEDT is a PLCC 44 packed dual motor driver, running in my old Epson printer.
The idea is to controll the chip by some Arduino and make it print PCBs, like these guys did.

The datasheet for the chip is absent, but thes is connection diagram on the printer’s Service Manual.
It seems the chip is dual version of some Allegro motor controllers, having two indpendent data channels and dual H-bridges (or kind of).
According to the schemacics, paper feeder is controled via data channel 0 on pins 28, 29 and 30 (CLK, Data, Strobe accordingly). The carriage motor is controlled via data channel 1 on pins 40 (CLK), 38 (Data) and 39 (Strobe).

So i hooked up my logic analyzer ( an el chypo clone of 8 chanell Salea Logic) to the data channel ‘1’ and started measurements.
A6628 Data channel 1: print head motor (DC)
The data is clocked at 6 MHz, so 12 MHz sampling rate is fine. The word seems to contain 16 bits and can be analyzed via SPI protocol.
This is strange, as all the datashhets from the Allegro claims they use either 2× 18-bit words or 4× 16-bit (A3998) words.

The operation of the motor seems strange, it’s possible i’ve done something with the connectors to the enceder strip, as the encoder seems fine.
The motor sequence is:
Left -> Right -> Left – > long pause -> Right -> long run to the left side -> motor is swithed off. I had to removed the timing belt to preserve the carriage from the complete damage right now.

After decoding via ISP protocol:
The init sequence is ‘0x0000 0x8183’. The last recorded sequence is ”0x0000 0x8183′, repeated 4 times. So it seems ‘0x0000 0x8183’ will stop the motor, the sequence is repeated each 0,35 ms, possibly to make sure the receiver got it right.
The next oddity is the first word, which is either ‘0x0000’, or ‘0x3004’. The ‘0x0000’ is allways followed by ‘0x8183’, while ‘0x3004’ is followed by some settings.
According to the analyzed data, the MSB bit of the 2nd word is set to ‘1’ only at the beginning and end of the sequence, so I assume (while reading Allegro datasheets and analyzing data) the MSB bit in the 2nd word is IDLE.
The first bit of every first word is allways ‘0’ and the first bit of every second word is always ‘1’, so I assume they are “Word Select” bits, as stated in all Allegro datasheets.
Let’s make the table:

Word 0
Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
Word Select=0 – Word0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
Word 1
 Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
Word Select
=1 – Word1
1 Speed? 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e IDLE

Day 2

Sequence analysis

Init sequence

Sequence number Word0 Word1 Word1 (bin)
1 0x0000 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0x8183’);[/insert_php]

Motor running left

Occured @0,34 s after init sequence

Sequence number Word0 Word1 Word1 (bin)
1 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xA448’);[/insert_php]
pause for 75 ms
2 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xA050’);[/insert_php]
3 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0x9C58’);[/insert_php]
4 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0x9860’);[/insert_php]
5 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0x9468’);[/insert_php]
6 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0x9070’);[/insert_php]
7 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0x8C78’);[/insert_php]
8 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0x8878’);[/insert_php]
9 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0x8278’);[/insert_php]
10 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0x8A78’);[/insert_php]
11 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0x8E78’);[/insert_php]
12 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0x9270’);[/insert_php]
13 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0x9668’);[/insert_php]
14 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0x9A60’);[/insert_php]
15 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0x9E58’);[/insert_php]
16 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xA250’);[/insert_php]
17 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xA648’);[/insert_php]
18 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xAA40’);[/insert_php]
19 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xAE38’);[/insert_php]
20 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xB230’);[/insert_php]
21 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xB628’);[/insert_php]
22 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xBA20’);[/insert_php]
23 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xBE18’);[/insert_php]
24 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xBE10’);[/insert_php]
25 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xBE04’);[/insert_php]
26 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xBE14’);[/insert_php]
27 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xBE1C’);[/insert_php]
28 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xBA24’);[/insert_php]
29 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xB62C’);[/insert_php]
30 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xAE3C’);[/insert_php]
31 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xA64C’);[/insert_php]
32 0x3004 [insert_php]hex_as_bin(‘0xB234’);[/insert_php]

Occured @1,5 s after the first sequence and is repeated 25 times

Sequence number Word0 Word0 (bin) Word1 Word1 (bin)
1 0x3004 [insert_php]w0_as_bin(‘0x3004’);[/insert_php] 0xA44C [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xA44C’);[/insert_php]
2 0x3004 [insert_php]w0_as_bin(‘0x3004’);[/insert_php] 0xA448 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xA448’);[/insert_php]
3 0x3004 [insert_php]w0_as_bin(‘0x3004’);[/insert_php] 0xA648 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xA648’);[/insert_php]
4 0x3004 [insert_php]w0_as_bin(‘0x3004’);[/insert_php] 0xA64C [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xA64C’);[/insert_php]

Occured @0,67 s after the second sequence, repeated 25 times

Sequence number Word0 Word0 (bin) Word1 Word1 (bin)
1 0x3004 [insert_php]w0_as_bin(‘0x3004’);[/insert_php] 0xA44C [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xA44C’);[/insert_php]
2 0x3004 [insert_php]w0_as_bin(‘0x3004’);[/insert_php] 0xA448 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xA448’);[/insert_php]
3 0x3004 [insert_php]w0_as_bin(‘0x3004’);[/insert_php] 0xA648 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xA648’);[/insert_php]
4 0x3004 [insert_php]w0_as_bin(‘0x3004’);[/insert_php] 0xA64C [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xA64C’);[/insert_php]

Motor running right

The sequence seem identical to the 1st one …


Day 3

Actualy, it’s 2016 right now. February. The 17th …

The problem with the crazy motor was on of encoder ribbon. There was a short between two pins when it plugs into the controller’s PCB.

The printer has passed the initialization, moved head assembly forth and back at different speeds.

Now, let’s analyze the stop sequence. Logics attached to the pins, button pushed and …

Just in case: 0x200C in hex is (MSB on the left) 10000000001100.

Word0 Word0 (bin) Word1 Word1 (bin) Comments
Repeated continously


100 times










Pause for 0.6031 sec
0x0000 0x8183
“Motor stop”
Pause for 0.2626 sec
0x0000 0x8183
[insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x8183’);[/insert_php][insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xC181’);[/insert_php] Assuming
“Motor stop”

What I’ve noticed, Vref may be used to transmit signal. Not according to Allegro datasheets of the similar products.

The datasheet of A3972, A3973 claims the LSB comes the first, so I have tried to update the table above.

Well, in this case 0x200C and the Rest of The World (except 0xC181) maps to the Word0, which is kind of stupid. So probably the MSB comes first.


The table below shows the possible values, captured on the port.


Value (hex) Value (bin) Movement type
0x8183 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x8183’);[/insert_php]
 0x3004  [insert_php]w0_as_bin(‘0x3004’);[/insert_php]
0xA254 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xA254’);[/insert_php]
0x9E5C [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x9E5C’);[/insert_php]
0x9A64 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x9A64’);[/insert_php]
0x966C [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x966C’);[/insert_php]
0x9274  [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x9274’);[/insert_php]
0xA050 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xA050’);[/insert_php] slow speed, forward
0x9C58 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x9c58’);[/insert_php] slow speed, forward
0x9860 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x9860’);[/insert_php] slow speed, forward
0x9468 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x9468’);[/insert_php] slow speed, forward
0x9070 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x9070’);[/insert_php] slow speed, forward
0x8C78 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x8C78’);[/insert_php] slow speed, forward
0x8878 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x8878’);[/insert_php] slow speed, forward
0x8278 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x8278’);[/insert_php] slow speed, forward
0x8A78 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x8A78’);[/insert_php] slow speed, forward
0x8E78 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x8E78’);[/insert_php] slow speed, forward
0x9270 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x9270’);[/insert_php]
0x9668 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x9668’);[/insert_php]
0x9A60 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x9A60’);[/insert_php]
0x9E58 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x9E58’);[/insert_php]
0xA250 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xA250’);[/insert_php]
0xA648 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xA648’);[/insert_php]
0xAE38 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xAE38’);[/insert_php]
0xB230 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xB230’);[/insert_php]
0xBA20 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xBA20’);[/insert_php]
0xBE18 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0x8E18’);[/insert_php]
0xA44C [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xA44C’);[/insert_php]
0xA448 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xA448’);[/insert_php]
0xA648 [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xA648’);[/insert_php]
0xA64C [insert_php]w1_as_bin(‘0xA64C’);[/insert_php]

Here are some screenshots from the sequences (0xA44C 0xA448 0xA648 0xA64C):

0xA44C, sequence 1

0xA44C, sequence 1

0xA448, sequence 1

0xA448, sequence 1

0xA648, sequence 1

0xA648, sequence 1

0xA64C, sequence 1

0xA64C, sequence 1

0xA648, sequence N

0xA648, sequence N

0xA448, sequence N

0xA448, sequence N

0xA44C, sequence N

0xA44C, sequence N

0xA64C, sequence N

0xA64C, sequence N