Archive for category Software

Removing exclamation mark for Windows drive

In some cases the yellow explamation mark can be “stuck” for a drive. There are some possibilities here:

  • low disc space;
  • Bitlocker

The most reccomended way to remove the exclamation mark is to turn Bitlocker protection on and off.

In the case you don’t want the Bitlocker, you can turn it off for a drive using command line, as described here.

Run the command prompt as adminstrator and enter the command:

manage-bde C: -off

You can check the drive status with

manage-bde -status

You will get something like this in response:

BitLocker Drive Encryption: Configuration Tool version 10.0.19041
Copyright (C) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Disk volumes that can be protected with
BitLocker Drive Encryption:
Volume C: [Sys]
[OS Volume]
Size:                 953,24 GB
BitLocker Version:    2.0
Conversion Status:    Decryption in Progress
Percentage Encrypted: 25,1%
Encryption Method:    XTS-AES 128
Protection Status:    Protection Off
Lock Status:          Unlocked
Identification Field: Unknown
Key Protectors:
    External Key
    Numerical Password

Hacking LSS Chronolux

The “required insolation’ sector is added to support in-model decision on the limiting volumes and conditions.

This is not a public software, so please contact the author of the LSS Arch Tools for more questions.

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Messing with PHP-ODT

I’m working oh hobby project on a free time, and one of the tasks here is to generate ODT file, containing output from the database. The output library i’ve chosen is PHP-ODT. It’s kind of basic, but allows to create ODT documents on the fly.

And now, lessons learned

Allways provide file size.

This code will create corrupt file, according to LibreOffice: The correct code is:

 header(“Content-Description: File Transfer”);
header(“Content-Type: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text”);
header(“Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\”” . $ODTFile .”\”” );

 header(“Content-Description: File Transfer”);
header(“Content-Type: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text”);
header(‘Content-Length: ‘ . filesize($ODTtmpFile));
header(“Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\”” . $ODTFile .”\”” );

It is possible to add hierarchical styles

Not in the base code yet

$pStyleDate = new ParagraphStyle(‘revDate’);

$pStyleDateStrike = new ParagraphStyle(‘revDate-strike’);

It is possible to add text decorations in the paragraph level

Again, not in the base code yet:


It is possible to merge cells in the table

Well, not in the base code and horizontally only:


$cRow = array($hSpan,$pRev,$pDate,$pMemo);

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Postfix and virtual SMTP users

Short how-to use the save virtual users both for receiving emails via IMAPS, and sending via SMTP, or just rants for myself:

Source for the ideas and setup

/etc/postfix/ must contain:
smtpd_sasl_local_domain =
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes

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Rant on Apache2

Recently I was trying to move my sites to SSL – for various reasons.
The test site went fluently, while the work machine refused to serve SSL content. While testing with ‘wget’, the error I received was

GnuTLS: An unexpected TLS packet was received.

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Meet the fMRI Parrot

fMRI Parrot

Focal Length

What the heck is “fMRI Parrot”?

First of all, the heck is fMRI. fMRI stands for “Functional Magnetic Resonace Imaging”, as defined in Wikipedia. It involves tons of expensive hardware, like Magnetic Resonance machine, and software, used to reconstruct the scanned volumes. During fMRI scanning a series of stimulus are applied to the patient and the brain is scanned using fast scanning MRI techniques. The aim of fMRI is to record immediate changes happening in particular areas of the brain.

The single MRI scan is called “volume”. It is created from a series of slices of the predefined thickness. Having more slices creates more detailed volume and extends acquisition time. As the changes of the brain activity are momentary, a short volume acquisition interval, named TR or “Time Repetition” is needed. Usually it varies from 7 to 1.5 seconds, depending on the capabilities of the MR machine. Short TR time supposes lower quality scans, compared to the “traditional” MR scanning. So the level of detail of particular volume is a trade off between time and specific requirements.

The fMRI scans consists from a number of volumes, recorded at particular intervals. The key condition for a successful scan is the precise timing. In order to find a region with elevated activity, a stimulus must be started just when the volume acquisition begins. For this the MRI machine may expose a short pulse – start of a volume. The pulse may be brought to the MRI control room via the interface box and the required stimulus started automatically. Some stimulus require the patient to respond, eg. press the predefined button. The response from the patient is also brought to the MRI control room. As there are special requirements for any hardware at the MRI machine, only certified equipment is allowed to the MR room. The requirement at the MRI control room are more relaxed as well as the choice of the equipment There are different vendors of the interface boxes and response buttons, NordicNeuroLab (NNL) being one of them.

In order to create the simulation series, or paradigmas in fMRI terminology, a lot of time is needed. Each paradigma is to be verified before the clinical test, while some of them can not be tested without a signal form the MRI scanner or a response from the patient. There is no need to say the MRI equipment is expensive, so is the time spent in the MRI machine. Most of the MRI scanner interface boxed can be used in so called “simulation” mode, sending particular responses at the predefined moments, without actually running the scanner. For example the Sync Box from NordicNeuroLab will send “S” symbol at the start of the volume acquisition, while fORP from Cambridge Reserch Systems is to send “5”. So what is actually required to test a paradigma, is the response from the scan… WAIT!

It’s must not be the MRI scanner nor the interface box.

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Search engine providers for Firefox and MS IE

I’m lazy person.
Here are search engine providers for Firefox and MS IE web browsers.

I’ve added keywords for these search engines, like evt for, lmn for Now, searching in particular site is as easy as Lotus 1-2-3: type in keyword and the term you need to search in the address bar. So, typing lmn ds180 will search for ds180 in site.



Managing HP P400 RAID card

It’s a summarising memo from the last Saturday.
What supposed to be slowish disk, actually was dead drive on array.
Thanks for the supplier, the entire collection of SAS drives was just waiting to be installed.

It’s possible to configure RAID adapter from the BIOS stage, but it’s more interesting to configure it on the live system. What you need is configuration tools for the adapter card. And they are called “hpacucli”. Ok, ‘CLI” stands for “Command Line Interface”, “hp” is too obvious. “A” could be for “array”. What “cu” stands for?

Debian repository is at

Get it, install and read on.

Run “hpacucli”, it should be located in /usr/sbin.

To get information on installed RAID cards, use

ctrl all show

The utility can warn you on the recommended firmware upgrade and will print the controller(s) information:
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Case story: move the location of Revit Server 2012 models

Here is the other issue: due to the fast install of Revit Server 2012, the location of model was not important. After the server’s role was changed to “Central” instead of ‘Caching”, i wanted model be stored in more predictable location.

Again, I had no wish to reinstall the whole server, including w2008r2 server.
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Case story: change role of Revit Server 2012 without reinstall

Our company was running a caching Revit Server 2012 instance, to be able to work on a project. The central server was set in the kingdom of far away and was serving three architectural offices.
Recently we had to take care of the model created and the Revit Server 2012 instance itself. I hate to touch working system, but i had to.
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