Archive for category Blogroll

Home automation: temperature sensor

Brrrr… Too cold.
Ever had a cold shower in (almost) winter time?

This is because the boiler behaves strangely. Although the it’s full of hot water, cold water is going out.

So, the pile of details gave me: MCU Atmega8, by Atmel; some LM335, temperature sensors by A pair of CD4051 will allow to use up to 16 analog inputs to the Atmel MCU.

Also, schematics at
. It has some weird details, anyway i will try to master some kind of temperature sensor for the boiler. Just to make sure the will be enough hot water when i’m going to the shower.



I was asked for a signature. On the front cover of “The Capital”.
Do i need to change the way i look like?



Quite interesting article on image processing. The MatLAB source, presented on the site, need some minor enhancments. Authors may contact me, if they want ;).
Attention: the program is really slow. I used ‘direct solver’, and it took almost 10 minutes to proceed the image.

RugsÄ—jo Palanga

Š? savaitgal? buvom Vasaros Sostin?je.


SintetinÄ— palanga (tik nereikia įsižeisti) pasitiko sintetine Basanavičiaus gatve, sintetine buvusia “KaÅ¡tono” užbÄ—ga ir Å achmatine. Read the rest of this entry »



Some images for the first impression.
Worked in University of Rostock, Institute of Computer Graphics with prof. Heidrun Schumann and René Rosenbaum for one month. The project is about inserting additional information into digital images. As a result of the work, we had a lectures for post-graduate students (one on image watermarking, the other on information embedding).

Who am i

A jerk. And complete asshole (© Douglas Adams)

Still interested? Read the rest of this entry »

JPEG-2000 in MatLAB

Any idea how to produce and read the JP2 file in MatLAB?
The easiest way should be writing middleware in Java to specific library. The things are complicated, as i need to get and modify data from every stage of encoding/decoding, like color space transformations, quantization, EBCOT (including bit-plane decomposition, bit-plane processing, encoding) and rate-encoders. Read the rest of this entry »